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Constraints & Opportunities

Strategic analysis for the site has been undertaken as part of the masterplanning process. Key features such as views, trees landscape features, the existing access and relationship to the canal have been noted.


In respect of biodiversity, given the relationship of the Site of Local Importance to Nature Conservation (SLINC) to the site, the proposed development will incorporate a strategy through landscape and ecological enhancement, mitigation, and retention of existing ecological features where possible.


Ecology Consultants Brindle and Green have conducted baseline surveys to identify Arboricultural and Ecological constraints associated with the development. The site supports grassland, scrub, and hedgerow habitat. Notable trees with arboricultural and landscape character value are positioned within hedgerows and boundary features which will be integrated within the proposed masterplan layout for the scheme.

The overall development, by incorporating new and preserving existing landscaping features will make a positive contribution to the maintenance and enhancement of the natural heritage of the local area. 


As part of a comprehensive masterplanning process, the development has considered the relationship between existing residential dwellings and the new development areas. Proposals should deliver a sensitive response through a sympathetic design approach and appropriate mitigation that could include new tree and hedge planting. 

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